Our organization was founded at the intersection where medicine meets humanity. We were founded in 2001, when Dr. Robert Burger, an oncologist with Virginia Oncology Associates, along with a dedicated circle of friends, observed that chemotherapy patients were having their medical, but not necessarily their emotional needs met. The group determined that food could be an effective vehicle to feed the emotional needs of patients – and so began Cancer Care Foundation of Tidewater. Through the distribution of tasty and comforting food in the infusion room, a handful of volunteers were able to connect with patients and their caregivers to create friendships, ease fears, reduce stress and instill hope. Many of the original volunteers still serve patients on a weekly basis.
Today, Cancer Care’s volunteer ranks have grown to the hundreds and we have supported thousands of Tidewater residents and their caregivers in their battles against cancer. Along the way we have learned that surrounding the devastating diagnosis of cancer is a front row seat to humanity at its very best.